DEngine Crawler

We build a custom engine for a dungeon crawler game. My roles this block was gameplay programmer and QA. The team consisted out of five programmers. The engine was built from scratch and build on Windows and PlayStation 4.


8 weeks


Gameplay Programmer & Tools Programmer & QA assurance


Custom Engine & Perforce & Jenkins


2 Gameplay Programmers & 2 Engine Programmers & 1 Graphics Programmer

My responsibilities

  • Implement physics
    • Used Box2D for very shallow physics
    • Build it into the entity component system
  • Create the player
    • Set up custom collision event using Box2D
    • Get the input from the Playstation and from Windows
    • Made several attack sets for the player
  • Create the AI
    • Implement several different AI types
  • Implement pathfinding
  • Solving problems

We used Flecs as our entity component system for our engine


All the use the A* pathfinding to move around the world. Before implementing it in the game I made this small project to demonstrate and test the pathfinder I wrote.

Here you can see the more earlier versions of the pathfinder in the engine. The enemies navigate towards the player using the A* algorithm to enemy navigating towards the player.