What Walks on Four Legs

Promotion video from Itch.io on our game.

What Walks On Four Legs won best Designed game in 2019 and runner-up best visual game at Breda University of Applied Sciences.

What Walks On Four Legs is a puzzle game where the player has to find items and combine them to solve each level. During this project my primary role was Tools Programmer, meaning I created the tools for the other students to use to improve the workflow and create unique gameplay features. In each level, the player could interact with the environment, the camera angling helping better understand all of the player’s options. I created the camera system which let the designers create points in the map where the camera lerps between or is in fixed in a position.

I also worked on the dialogue system which gave the designers and story creators the opportunity to load in the dialogue on different actors from an online Excel sheet. My secondary role in this project was QA. I made sure we had a stable build at all times, performing small optimizations to maintain consistent fps.

My responsibilities

  • Developing the camera system
    • Perspective/Orthographic view calculations
    • Different move mechanics
      • Lerp
      • Teleportation
      • Rail movement
  • Developing the dialogue system
    • Import from Excel online
    • Object interaction triggers
    • Multiple person interactions
    • Able to differentiate between thoughts and speak bubbles

We made use of Perforce as our source control software, Swarm for code reviews and Trello as our project management tool.

More detail

Dialogue System

The Dialogue system was built from scratch using blueprints in UE4.

Narrative designers are able to add dialogue in the Excel sheet that will be imported into the engine. The Dialogue system grabs the sheet and reads from it based on events that the player can trigger.

Camera System

The camera has several different movement mechanics. The camera is build without using any third party software.

The movement of the camera depends on the player hitting different trigger boxes, in each trigger box different movement mechanics.